Internet He@lth





Priyanka Doctor 
GS Medical College and KEM Hospital, Bombay  is a site for improving access to Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities for specialist medical practitioners living and working in regional, rural and remote Australia
These activities include the likes of risk management self-assessments, audit guides and aids to internet use and telemedicine. For each of these projects, CPD points may be earned.

In 1999, with generous support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, five international agencies launched a major new effort to prevent cervical cancer worldwide. This group of organizations, the Alliance for Cervical Cancer Prevention, ( ) is working to clarify, promote, and implement strategies for preventing cervical cancer and is currently targetting 17 developing countries through local collaborating institutions. Online resources include a Discussion group, Journal Articles, Powerpoint presentations, Training materials and Planning guides.  aims to help people in developing countries use information and communication technology to improve their lives. The organisation works with access initiatives to focus on getting technology used through local organisations and is not primarily concerned with providing technology aids. The Online Toolkit includes The free IT guide -- information on computers and the Internet. Includes where to get free or low cost computers, where to get free email accounts, how to develop and host your website for free, and where to get free software. 

  • Telecentre resources -- links to how-to guides, analyses, and other resources 
  • E-Readiness resources -- information on how to assess your community's or country's ability to benefit from ICT. 
  • E-Literacy materials -- training documents to help improve your ICT skills and knowledge.
  • Database of online resources -- a detailed list of ICT organisations, reports, and other resources that you can find on the Internet. 

Landes Bioscience medical and surgical handbooks ( portable resources for practical information that physicians, residents and students carry in their pockets. Handbooks are available in a conventional spiral-bound print format and as PDFs, emphasising on Medical Intelligence - issues of clinical care and drug and device research, Journals - Cancer Biology and Therapy and Cell Cycle

West Africa Doctors Network ( ) was set up to Improve the Communications Capabilities of Doctors which it acheives through E-Mail services,a Discussion Forum, its own
Telemedicine platform with software developed by ipath, Publishing of articles or papers
Personal Pages where you can profile yourself of your practice,Chat services, and building up a Network of its members. 
Here's a Nutrition Site which blatantly proclaims it has no nutrition advice! In spite of which it provides loads of Information sheets and training material, information on the latest jobs, events, and reports in nutrition, complete with a remarkable list of academic programmes related to nutrition. Its aim is "to advance the scientific study of nutrition and its application to the maintenance of human and animal health". So if you want to become a member of this Society, its 88 euros for the Regular and 16 euros for Student Membership. Optional Journal Subscription to British Journal of Nutrition , Nutrition Research Reviews and Public Health Nutrition can be availed of..

Health and Development Initiative India ( ) is a well built site with a lot of practical resources ( including some in hindi ! ) tackling the issues of HIV/AIDS, STDs and TB. Two thumbs up for this one!

The Partners for Health Reformplus (PHRplus) project ( )is the U.S. Agency for International Development's flagship project in health policy and systems strengthening
In addition to providing technical assistance and supporting USAID's leadership role, PHRplus conducts health systems research; implements performance monitoring and results tracking; provides training and capacity development; and is responsible for strategic documentation and transfer of experiences in health policy and systems strengthening.

If you're in the UK and you need help with drug or alcohol addiction,  is for you!
For the rest of the world however, there's Drug Information ( including safer practices for the user ) as well as guides for the parent and youger generation.


This is a non-peer reviewed paper. Accepted for publication on January 9,2004

Cite as: 
Doctor P
Internet Health 2004;3(1):e7


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